every person refreshed
every purpose discovered

Lobby Experience

every person refreshed

Whether you’re coming out of a blessed or a dry season, we know that there is nothing more refreshing than the presence of God

Love God

The greatest gift any believer can give to their spouse, family, or community is a personal, passionate, and growing relationship with God. When we love God, we love what He loves, and what He loves is people.

Love People

There is not greater love shown than that of Christs sacrifice on the cross. God’s willingness to do anything necessary to win people back to Him is our inspiration as we love, serve, and lead people to Christ.

every purpose discovered

We believe that God has created and equipped his people with gifts that can be used to build and expand the Kingdom of God.

Work Hard

The kingdom of God does not advance only with dreaming, but with doing. When we work, we work hard. When we celebrate, it is with passion. When we rest, it is in keeping with God’s example of a sabbath.

Build Others

We are greater than me. Especially when we are empowered by the spirit of God. Nothing significant is accomplished in isolation. The most impactful moves of God involve a community of people that move in one direction together.


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